Donate play materials for children
Vulnerable children also need to play. It is special for children. Not only is it fun, but it is also important for healthy development. It is their “work” and their way of learning about the world. It erodes the sense of discrimination and brings joy and self-esteem.
Through play, children try out new skills, explore their imagination and creativity, and develop relationships with other people in their lives. Play can be an especially powerful bonding time for you, as a parent or caregiver. Donate to the vulnerable; they also need a joyful life.
Donate materials and financial assistance for our children
Vulnerable children need above all finances and other material support for their wellbeing. We welcome all goodwill gestures.
Donate Trees for Education
Make a Donation
Please fill the form below with donation details. We will contact you as you we receive the donation details. Thank you!